[English follows Japanese]

Infleqtion(本社: アメリカ、旧 Cold Quanta)が、シリコンフォトニクス企業のSiNoptiqとMorton Photonicsの2社を買収した。Infleqtionは、これらの企業の製品ラインと人材に加え、両社の技術に関連する40件の基本特許も取得する予定。
今回Infleqtionが買収したSiNoptiqは、超低損失の窒化シリコンのプラットフォームを開発し、Morton Photonicsは先進的なシリコンフォトニクスベースのコンポーネントおよびサブシステム技術を開発している。この買収によりInfleqtionは、量子製品の商業化に不可欠なレーザー・光・原子システムのチップスケール統合計画を加速させることができ、また量子サプライチェーン全体を強化し、大規模な量子デバイス製造を可能にできる。
また、Infleqtionは、カリフォルニア州サンタバーバラに「フォトニクス・リサーチ・センター」を設立し、前SiNoptiq CEOのDan Blumenthal博士が同センターのチーフ・フォトニクス・アーキテクトに就任する。また、ポール・モートン博士は、Infleqtion研究センターの副社長兼ゼネラル・マネージャーに就任。両氏ともフォトニクス界では著名な研究者である。
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Infleqtion Acquires Two Integrated Silicon Photonics Companies to Accelerate their Efforts in Commercializing Quantum Products
Infleqtion announced today that it has acquired both SiNoptiq Inc. and Morton Photonics Inc. Both companies work in the area of photonics. SiNoptiq has developed a ultra-low loss silicon nitride platform while Morton Photonics develops advanced silicon photonics-based component and sub-system technologies. These products can have significant use in quantum sensors, quantum networks, and quantum computers. SiNoptiq is located in Santa Barbara, California and was founded in December 2022. Morton Photonics was formed in 2002 and has locations in Palm Bay, Florida and Santa Barbara, California. In addition to the product lines and the people from these companies, Infleqtion will also be acquiring 40 foundational patents associated with their technologies.
Infleqtion will be establishing a Photonics Research Center in Santa Barbara and former SiNoptiq CEO Dr. Dan Blumenthal will be the Chief Photonics Architect there. Also, Dr. Paul Morton will be the Vice-President and General Manager of the Infleqtion research center. Both gentlemen are well-recognized researchers within the photonics community. These will be the second and third acquisitions that Infleqtion has made in the past couple of years. In May 2022, they acquired software company Super.tech which is located in Chicago.
Infleqtion has issued a press release announcing the acquisitions which can be accessed here.
Quantum Computing Report
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